Thursday, August 18, 2022

Not Seen Again

We are seeing today what can never be seen again.  While there are those who would declare such an observation to be wrong since every day the same view is seen out the same window, or from the same porch, they are the ones who are wrong.  Nothing in this marvelous creation that the Creator God has made is the same in the next day, or even in the next moment.  A tall pecan tree may look the same every day, but every day there is something different about its movement toward growth, or death, and every day different living creatures find new sources of of nourishment from it.  Everything that is, constantly changes.    

What is amiss in our view of the world are eyes that look, but do not see.  Even as there is so much unseen stuff to see every day, there is also so much missed because we are not living with a mindfulness that keeps us primarily focused on where we are and who is with us.  And, of course, even when we are alone, we often find ourselves somewhere we are not.  All of this hinders us in really seeing who and what is sharing the present moment of our life.    "Take no thought for your life..."  ((Matthew 6:25) is what I learned from my old and first Bible which was a King James Version.   

This whole section of the Sermon on the Mount which begins with this verse calls us to not only lay anxiety and worry aside, but also to stay focused on today.  Surely, one of the things which keeps us from seeing that which can never be seen again is our inability, or unwillingness, to lay aside the other things which are behind us, or ahead of us, that vie for our attention in the present moment.  It only takes a moment to see what can never be seen again, and once we see, all we want to do is lift our hands in gratitude to a God who gifts us with one blessing after another after another.  

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