Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Invisible Creation

Things that are invisible are always showing themselves.  All that is required to see is a measure of patience, the willingness to see without seeing, and an openness to what is happening in the present moment.  The sunset this evening is an example.  Prior to a single moment of stillness in the moment light is holding on midst the coming darkness, the brilliant display of colors in the sky was invisible.  However, suddenly what could not be seen was seen, but only for a few brief moments of time and then what was visible was gone.

I suppose Jesus is responsible for making things invisible visible to us.  In Colossians 1:15-16 the Word says, "He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in Him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible..."  Here is a new defining word for Jesus:  He is the Creator not only of the visible, but also the invisible.  His very life models this phenomena for us.  As Philippians 2:6-7 remind us, Jesus existed in the form of God; yet chose to empty Himself of this invisible existence to become visible to us through human form. 

He is the Master of creation, the one who creates all that is seen and known as well as all that is unseen and often unknown.  Things like electricity, radio signals, computer technology, and vaccines for viruses existed in the invisible realm, things that were created by Him, but only through the span of time did they become visible to those of us who dwell on earth.  As much as there is that is visible, it may well be true that there is more invisible parts of the creation waiting to be seen than ever we could imagine or dream.  The invisible He has created is waiting for its time which will surely come.

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