Friday, August 21, 2020

Seasons of Revealing

The quietness of the last few evenings has been shattered from above by flyovers of large v-shaped groups of Canadian Geese.  They did not seem to be in a hurry to drop down on one of the nearby ponds, but instead, seem to have a Creator given GSP that was taking them to some unseen place below the southern horizon.  As I turned my head upward to see and listen, I realized they had been gone and I had not noticed.  It was their coming back which enabled me to realize they had been absent from these parts for some time.

Sometimes what is seen calls attention to what has not been seen and not missed.  How long the geese had been gone is as much a mystery to me as their arrival in the air above me last evening.  Perhaps, what is familiar becomes one of those taken for granted things in life, and thus, disappears from our consciousness to the extent that when it is no longer present, its absence goes unnoticed.  It can certainly happen with these honking geese, but it can also happen with any part of the creation with which we live in a relationship including the Creator of the creation.

Of course, the Creator God never leaves us for a season.  He does not depart.  But, there are those moments when something of His presence so jolts us that we realize we have not been paying attention to His presence in the present moments of our life.  Taking God for granted, assuming He is always going to be around is something easy enough to do.  Unfortunately, most of us have such memories.  Thankfully, there are seasons of divine revealing which remind us our not paying attention, cause us to remember His mercy, and to be renewed once again in the deep places of our heart. 

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