Monday, August 10, 2020

Connected to Creation

What is hard for many to see is the reality that life is lived midst the creation.  Perhaps, those who live in rural areas understand where life is actually lived, but the truth is, it can be missed even where concrete and asphalt does not seem to reign.  Whether we live in urban areas filled with monuments to architects, or in spacious countryside we can still hurry through life without seeing what is all around us.  While we are just learning to wear masks, we have been wearing blinders for a long time.
And a thing even harder than understanding that we live midst the creation is to know that we are connected to it.  Even the ones who live the most solitary lives are still connected to the creation.  The furniture in our homes connects us to the forest.  The food on our table connects us to the dirt and the water.  The breath we take to live connects us to every other living breathing creature.  The life we live is gifted to us by the Creator who brought all of us and everything into being.
The Genesis account of creation is an orderly telling of beginnings.  There is day one and so it goes until the rest of day seven comes.  Within the cycle of creation set forth in the early words of Genesis, we find the origin of our being.  We were not created separately from everything else that is a part of the creation but almost in the same breath.  Unlike every other part of creation, our living depends on the rest of the creation.  Our lives are connected to every part of it in a life giving way.  To understand and affirm that connectedness enables us to live in sync with everything that is around us which includes the Creator Himself.

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