Monday, August 3, 2020

Chicken Antics

The chicken yard has two groups of hens.  The Oldsters consist of a pair of two year old hens.  Predators got the rest of the Oldsters.  And then there are the Youngsters, a group of five young hens who came to the farm as chicks back in March.  Putting the Oldsters and the Youngsters together has been interesting.  When I put the feed out this morning in three separate feeding areas, the Oldsters could not eat for running from one feed trough to another to chase away the Youngsters.  And the Youngsters could not eat for running and looking over their wings at the coming Oldsters.
It could have been funny had I not seen myself in what was happening.  I can remember a time when I could not work the patch I had been given for watching what my neighboring pastor colleague was doing.  I could not do my work because I thought things might be better in his feed trough.  Of course, it was not like I could run over, peck at him, and take over, but my watching kept me from what was in front of me.  It might seem strange that there would be a sense of envy and competition among pastors, but it can happen in any profession.

One of the hard lessons for us to learn is the value and the imperative to be present in the moment God has given to us.  Not only is it the present moment that is important, but also the place He has put us in the present moment.  There are times what we become so focused on how well others seem to have it that we fail to see the way God is bringing blessings according to His plan into our life.  It is such a waste to let anything rob us of the gifts which God is giving to us.  Such is exactly what happens when we allow ego fed distractions to take us out of the present and into the world of what might be. 

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