Saturday, August 29, 2020

His Hands

These recent months of walking reluctantly in a new normal have caused us to re-think many of the nailed down things about our life.  As one who was accustomed to eating out several times a week, it now seems hard to even imagine not eating a meal prepared at home.  Now conversations are carried on long distance instead of just out of someone else's space.   The church which always seemed to be a haven of safety now must not just be cleaned but sanitized and anyone who dares to show up does so hidden behind the safety of a face mask.

Perhaps, the biggest pre-virus normal which we have been caused to re-think is the illusion of being in control.  Our memory of those days has us going and coming, talking and touching, and living without any fear of some unseen danger lurking a breath away.  Everything now is so different and uncertain.  While we live seeking to intentionally minimize risk, what we know is that minimizing is not eliminating.  And, so now we live with an uneasiness that speaks of knowing that control is not really about us.  Of course, it never was about us.  It was just a part of our reality illusion.

The One in charge is our heavenly Father.  We wonder at times why it is that the One in charge does not simply blow away the danger, but our experience as well as the divinely written Word we read tells us such is not the way He works.  One other thing we have learned about this heavenly Father is that He is the One who has set the sun in place, brought important people into our lives, and who knows how to take us to what is good in our lives even when danger and uncertainly swirls around us.  What has been true since the moment of our conception is the reality of His control.  From beginning to end and into eternity, we are in His hands. 

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