Sunday, August 2, 2020

In Everything

I never knew I would be here.  Long years ago when the road was stretched out so far in the distance that it was impossible to have any sense of where it was going, I still thought I knew where it would end up.  In the beginning the way forward seem defined enough and the destination was obvious.  I had chosen the way of faith in Christ and a call to ministry and with such carefully stored away, it seemed that the direction and destination was determined. 
And, there is some truth is such reflection.  The decisions we make do help set the course for the way which lies ahead.  But, the thing about the faith journey is that the Spirit serves as the director for all that is ahead.  He has plans not shared.  He leads without consulting those who commit themselves to the journey.  His purpose is to move us in step with the reason for our creation and to shape our hearts after the image of the Son.  It is not something we can do, but something our trust and abandonment allows Him to do.
Arriving at the farm in retirement I could have imagined.  It could be said such a life is a part of my DNA since both parents grew up on farms.  But, what was impossible to imagine was the way living so close to the dirt and so surrounded by the creation would transform my view of God and the way He is at work in the world and in our lives.  Everywhere I turn and walk there is a new page being written to read.  It is amazing for one who has spent a life time experiencing  the presence of God through the church and its ministry to come to a place where eyes have been opened to the reality that God is in everything around us. 

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