Monday, December 10, 2018

The Changing Order

On days when we shiver in awe of the cold grip of winter, we are reminded that there is an ever changing order in the creation.  Creation never remains the same.  It has been that way since the Word first spoke it into existence. Sometimes it has changed violently and suddenly by colliding meteors and other times slowly by building glaciers of ice.  Though these changes belong to the ages, others things like hurricanes, earthquakes, fire, and water are constantly wearing down the earth's landscape changing it into something different than yesterday.  What we call catastrophic is but a part of the ever changing order of the creation.

The hard cold of winter which sends us toward warming fires and the growing things into a deep rest also speak to us of the order of the creative process always ongoing around us.  And, so it is with each one of us as well.  None of us live within the creation without being a part of the constant change.  Our movement from conception to birth to youth to old age and finally death is the always reminder that we, too, are a part of the order of the creation around us.  Though we fail to see it until it is often too late, we are not designed to outlast the creation, but to be a part of it for a smidgen of time. 

As we go through our time in this order, we are being shaped by the obvious and the things not always noted.  As surely as our lives our shaped by the passing years, so are they shaped by the hard-to-get-through moments of our living.  Those things which overwhelm us as well as those things which bring us delightful joy are some of the things which bring change in our life.  The changes though sometimes feared and dreaded are but a part of the order for nothing created was made to stay the same.  Not even the part of creation which was created for eternity is immune.

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