Monday, June 10, 2024

The Walk into Mystery

To walk the journey of faith in Christ is to know that every day is a day in which the One who walks ahead of us and beside us is seeking to speak and reveal Himself to us.  He may be the Invisible One, but He is also the One who makes Himself known to us.  He may be the One without a voice heard by our ears, but He is also the One who has a voice heard by our hearts.  He is the One who speaks words full of common sense, but He is also the One whose words are so filled with mystery, we are constantly scratching our heads and asking for wisdom to understand.    

To think that the Christ who walks with us and with whom we walk is the Christ of the box we carry is absurd.  He is constantly about accomplishing things so ordinary we give Him no credit while at the same time He is about things we really believe to be impossible though we ask for them.   A friend recently chided himself for his failure to believe that a simple thing he could not do was impossible for the "God of the Universe."  "How could I not believe that the God of the Universe could not do such a simple thing," he said as he laughed at the absurdity of the moment.    

Limiting the Unlimited God is not the act of one who has the mustard seed faith which can move mountains, change hearts, and send the power of evil packing.  What we cannot do alone is what He can do through us.  What we can do alone, we should do, but when we face those things which we understand to be His will and yet impossible for us to accomplish, then we can rest knowing that here is what He seeks to do through us and by us.  If it sounds impossible to understand, then simply remember the journey is not the predictable journey mapped out ahead of time, but the one full of mystery and led by the Holy One who is not only full of mystery, but defines its meaning.

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