Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Blessing Place

Worship in the sanctuary with the gathered people of God is an interesting thing. There are times when it simply does not happen despite our best efforts and intentions.  From beginning to end it seems like someone stumbling and trying to retain his or her balance.  The purpose ceases being responding to God through worship, but getting through the moment to the benediction.  Everyone who has stood behind the pulpit or sat in the pew a few times has endured these painful moments when nothing seems to be going in the right direction.   

What is also true is that there are other times that worship happens, not just ordinary worship, but soul stirring worship, and it seems to take place despite us.  In those moments we know what it feels like to have a little bit of Pentecost being sprinkled upon us.  We leave those moments knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that what has happened had nothing to do with us and everything to do with the Holy Spirit.  Of course, extraordinary moments of worship are not always about a spontaneous work of the Spirit for there are those times when careful attention is given to the act of worship by the worship leader and the Spirit chooses to bless it beyond measure.    

I love being with the people of God when lively worship takes place which not only stirs my senses, but my soul as well.  I stood and shared in such a moment this morning.  It was powerful, refreshing, and made me eager to go back to the blessing place. It was like standing beneath a heavenly fountain with undeserved grace and unexplainable joy being poured over me.  Thanks be to God for the way He blesses His gathered people and thanks be to God for getting me there!

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