Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sure and Certain

The past few days provided an opportunity to be with college friends from another era of my life.  Back in 1966 when I went to Young Harris College, we stayed connected to our families at home through handwritten letters which went through the post office and phone calls that were made while standing out in the hall next to a phone that was attached to the wall.  A surprising thing happened while enjoying such a wonderful re-connection.   The internet and phone connection upon which we all depend went berserk and our normal connectivity went awry creating a kind of emotional anguish for some who lost their accustomed internet fix each day.   

While none of us experienced such emotional distress that emergency mental health teams were called to the campus, it was not uncommon to hear whining conversations about it throughout the day.  We have become so dependent on the phones we carry in our hands.  Some might even speak of it as an addiction.  It does seem to be a rather unhealthy dependency.  It is something which could not have possibly been imagined back in the '60's when the phones hung on the walls and we carried notebooks and pens to classes.   

Things have changed a lot in the decades since those days.  What has not changed is the accessibility of God.  No matter how disconnected we might have been back in the days before the internet, He was just as present with us as He is in the present moment.  Jesus promised to always be with us and He has kept that promise since He ascended into heaven long centuries ago.  The only way we can ever experience any disconnect from Him is by our own choice.  He is with us.  Upon His presence we can count.  Where we live, when we live, and what we have done matters not.  God is with us.  He is always seeking to reveal Himself to us.  Unlike our taken for granted internet connectivity, we can count on Him.  He promised to be with us and His promises are sure and certain.

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