Thursday, June 20, 2024

Simple is Enough

Simple things are enough.  Thoreau certainly had it right with his call to simplify.  Complicating something simple is not an improvement.  Modern athletes have all kinds of apps and devices which are designed to make them better athletes; yet, the best athletes are those who simply stand at the free throw line, or in the batting cage, or get up every day and run the miles.  Super saints, if there is such a thing, are not made by a ten step program for sainthood, or praying a special prayer, but by embracing the basics such as the discipline of prayer, immersion in the Word, and staying focused on Jesus.   

Some may add one or two things to the basics, but the listing was never meant to be a closed list, but one which would suggest the simple road to travel.   A recent read about Ignatius lifted up the way that he in his earlier life looked at those he saw as faithful saints of God for the purpose of modeling his life after them.  His early spiritual education came as he watched the feet of some who walked alongside of God before him.    

Keep it simple is a good mantra for those of us who aspire to walk the way of faith.  A prayer as simple as "Lord, have mercy," a copy of the Word, and a desire to follow after Jesus is more than enough.  Unfortunately, there are churches and people who often make it more complicated, but simple is enough.  The Scripture points the way.  God has through His grace provided all we need for salvation.  All that is asked of us is faith in the Christ who is the way set forth by the Creator.  Simple is enough.

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