Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Table Blessings

Long table blessings are not the most popular prayers when stomachs are growling.  The first such prayer I remember praying began with "God is great, God is good..."  Later on the rote prayer of a child was replaced by extemporaneous words of thanksgiving.  Over the years of family gatherings, everyone knew who prayed the short blessings and who prayed the long ones.  At one family gathering everyone stands and sings the "Doxology,"  There is something special about singing it in a circle around the table as those gathered look at one another.  It is not uncommon to see some eyes being wiped dry as the song comes to its ending.   

There is no hard and fast rule about what should be included in the table blessings. In recent days it has become not only a moment of thanksgiving, but also a moment of intercession as the names of people who have asked for prayers are called.   As we pray around the table, we thank God for the hands that have prepared our meal which is certainly an appropriate prayer, but it can also be a prayer which is broadened to include the many hands from farm workers to truck drivers to clerks in grocery stores.  The food on our table does not just show up, but is the result of the efforts of many who are not seen by us.   

Of course, table blessings remind us to live with a spirit of gratitude for everything.  Life is full of blessings.  They are too abundant to fit on our table.  They are too many to sit and name at any given moment.  Every single moment we live brings its own blessing.  We live best when we live with grateful hearts.  Being grateful changes us.  We begin to understand the magnificent grace of God which is constantly touching our lives.  As we grow grateful hearts our soul becomes more content, our hands cannot rest without serving, and our spirit overflows with praise.

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