Sunday, April 16, 2023

Throwing Out Candy

Every year our town has a festival.  Ours is called "The Turpentine Festival" because of its involvement in that industry long years ago.  There is a parade that goes down the main highway and turns after about a half mile for a back street called Mullet Roe which takes it back to its point of beginning.  It is not a long parade, but then our town is not a big town.  Everyone shows up to line the road.  One of the things which always occurs is the throwing out of candy from the floats as they meander along the parade route.  It is not something which litters the ground for it is quickly picked up by scurrying children.    

As I was thinking about Romans 8:28 and the issue of suffering, I found myself finding this image in my spirit.  Romans 8:28 reads, "We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose."  I fear we sometimes throw this verse about like someone throwing out candy from a parade.  We use it too quickly.  Too many times we use it from a perspecive that is different from the ones who are actually struggling with some of those things which make no sense at all to them.  

Years ago when I was a pastor at the Vidalia Church, I offered a short term study on the problem of suffering.  The problem part of it, of course, is created when we consider the good and loving nature of God.  How can He allow the suffering which goes on  is a question that has been asked more times than the angels could count.  I still ask it.  And, after another lifetime of living since that study some twenty-five or more years ago, I would teach the course differently.  Or, I just might not dare teach it at all.

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