Monday, April 10, 2023

Life in the New

When I first started writing the blog some fourteen years ago, trying to write something that might pass for poetry was somethng I was afraid to do.  My early schoolish attempts at such writing always seemed to demand one line rhyme with another somewhere close by.  After a spell of reading, I began to realize that such was not required, but still I avoided the genre.  Writing a three paragraph blog posting in prose is like preaching.  You can go off script and allow for the unplanned and the extemporaneous, but poetry is too precise.  Every word counts.  And, then counts again.     

So, by and large I stayed away from it for a long time.  Only in recent years as the years have piled up and you begin to not care what others think did I begin to experiment with some writing that I call poetry.  Others might have a different name.  Regardless of what it is called, it is something new for me.  It is said that old dogs cannot learn new tricks and maybe it is true, but old dogs can try to learn new tricks which is maybe what I might call my attempts at writing something other than prose.   

Through the creation God speaks to us about life always moving toward the new.  Even as the creation into which we will walk tomorrow is one unlike any in which we ever walked, so are we to move toward the new instead of being paralyzed by it.  To embrace what is becoming in us is to walk in sync with God's plan for us and to walk in God's plan is to give Him glory.  So, move toward what is becoming new.  Each day we rise with a new set of experiences, new insights from disciplines of learning, and the whittling of our spirit being done by the Holy Spirit who is constantly bringing us more into the likeness of the Christ.  Instead of adding to the bucket list, start check them by doing.  Find how God is beckoning toward what is new and then go after it not for the sake of perfection, but for the sake of living.

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