Monday, January 2, 2023

The Faith Mirror

If we want to see what faith looks like and we are not sure that a look in the mirror will show it to us, we can look at some of those who have gone before us like George Mueller, Hudson Taylor, Agnes Sanford, or E. Stanley Jones.  Or, we can turn to some of the Biblical characters like Mary, the mother of Jesus, Ananias, or the Apostle Paul.  And, if our own face does not seem ready to appear in such company, then we can look back through the centuries and imagine the unnamed souls who stood strong when it cost them their lives.   

Another place which might be visited is the world of Celtic spirituality in those early centuries after the birth and resurrection of Jesus.  In that tradition there was a small round rudderless boat in which the saints would embark on a spiritual pilgrimmage to know-not-where.  In search of the place of their resurrection they would set out making no effort to direct their small boat, but instead allow the current of the water and the wind of the Spirit to take them to their unknown destination.  Brendan the Navigator is one such person who is often seen as we look back into those centuries, but there were many others who took lesser journeys that led them to the place God wanted them to be.    

It has often seems that the image of the coracle as their boat was called is an icon of faith.  Who among us is willing to go wherever it is that God wants to take us? Who among us wants to go with Christ with no demands about where the journey will take us?  Who among us is willing to lay aside our notions of what it means to follow Christ and desire nothing more than to go to know-not-where?   As we come to such a place in our spiritual journey, we have reason to stand once again before the mirror that reflects our soul and know that we belong to Him and Him alone.  Such is the real desire of the people of faith and it is to such a life that the Christ is leading us to embrace.  

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