Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Holy Mystery

I remember reading the Bible back in those years when I was a boy about to become a man.  I always had enjoyed reading the stories of the Old Testament, but as I grew older it was the gospels which seemed to seize my attention.  Particularly, did I find myself going to the gospel of John.  Perhaps, we all have one which is the one most often read and for me that gospel was then and is now the gospel of John.  I have always loved the stories not found in the other gospels, the different teachings of Jesus, and the images and symbols.  In these recent years what has been drawing me to this gospel is what is known as the Prologue, the first 18 verses of John.    

It seems that there is more mystery in these verses than I have time to unravel, but the truth is, had I started in the beginning of my faith journey I would still not have had enough time to unravel and understand all the mystery of those few verses.  What I have come to know is that mystery is not be known, but something with which we live by faith.  There is surely more to reveal than what has been understood.  Such is the nature of holy mytery.    

Holy mystery abounds in the Word and in the creation all around us.  Understanding as we might like to understand is never going to happen, but what we can do is to live within the mystery, to allow the sense of mystery to become imbedded in our spirit, and know that it becomes a  part of us as we allow ourselves to stand in it in silence and awe.  Mystery abides and fills up the silence, it speaks in the stillness, and it flows into the heart of the soul abandoned to God.  

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