Thursday, November 24, 2022

Truly Grateful People

Those who are truly grateful are not those with large portfolios of accumulations.  Accumulations of stuff do not make for grateful hearts.  At least, not always.  They more likely make for a desire for more.  There is something about seeing the stockpile grow that makes us want for more.  It would seem that it would breed satisfaction and contentment, but everything never seems to be enough.   Jesus told us about such a man in one of His parables.  Ir might seem to those who have the smaller piles that bigger piles would make an ungrateful person into a grateful one, but such is not necessarily true.    

The truly grateful people are those who live mindful that life is filled with both blessings and grace.  Those who live with an awareness of being blessed in the moment of conception with the gift of life also are aware that it is the same stream of blessing which has sustained them through the days of birth and on throughout the journey.  And as surely as life is about blessing, so is it about grace. We live thinking we have control, but the truth is, there is very little of the stuff which really matters that exists under our control.  We could even go so far as to say nothing is really absolutely dependent on us and our efforts and everything is absolutely dependent on this thing called grace which along with blessings comes from God. 

It is God's gift of grace which makes us into who we are for that grace is always seeking to restore us to Him and finally bring us the Home He is preparing.   To live aware of the blessings touching our life and the grace which gives it purpose are things which make us grateful in a way that a storehouse of accumulations could never do.  The truly grateful people in our midst know this and live with a grateful spirit instead of one never satisfied.  

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