Saturday, November 12, 2022

No Certainties

Each day is not filled with planed certainties, but unexpected possibilities.  While there is nothing wrong with making plans, being married to them is a frustrating reality.  If there is any doubt, take a moment and ask the guy Jesus talked about in what is called the parable of the wise fool.  It seems that he was a very successful farmer who was so taken in by his harvest that he started boasting to himself about the need for bigger barns. His advice to himself was, "...I will say to my soul, 'Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years: relax, eat, drink, be merry"  (Luke 12:19)  His plans were changed suddenly for the day of his boasting also had within it the night of his death.      

The Apostle James wisely said to those kindred spirits of the wise fool who were planning their future and their fortune,"Yet, you do not even know what tomorrow will bring."  (James 4:14)  The Word reminds us again and again that life is fragile.  It is not made of certainties.  There are no guarantees.  The best thing we can do is to get up each day and be grateful our feet are good for walking and our body is ready for the day filled with whatever it is that is ahead.  

Walking toward our plans is, of course, a good thing, but there should be no surprises in the detours and road blocks which might be in the way.  If we can come to a place of simply putting each day in the hands of the God who awakens us, we will surely find less frustration and more purpose.  Our plans and His purposes may not always be in sync, but when we come to the end of the day, it is His purposes being engaged which enables us to know that the day despite its difficult moments was not a waste.

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