Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Quietest Day

Good Friday was a day beyond terror for those who loved Jesus and watched him die a horrible death on the cross.  All during the time of His agonized dying, they longed to help Him in some way, but the presence of the Roman soldiers made giving help an impossible thing.  So, they did what they could do.  They watched.  They waited.  And when His suffering was over, there were those who wept as He was lowered from the cross.  Some of those mourning His death also managed to carry Him to what was to be His resting place while some of the women hurriedly prepared His body for death and burial.   Of course, as we know there was not enough time and the stone was rolled in place while the mourners hurried to beat the sunset home.      

Nothing is really said about Saturday.  It was surely a day which brought a sadness all its own.  No doubt those faithful followers huddled together, talking and remembering, and making plans for an early morning trip to finish the burial anointing the next morning.  One can only wonder if Jesus was really in the tomb on that Saturday.  While we know the stone was rolled away and He was gone on Sunday, we do not know exactly when He arose.  He did speak of rising on the third day so, perhaps, any speculation about an early exit is inappropriate.  But, one can still wonder.    

After all the stone was rolled away from the opening to the tomb not for Jesus to walk out, but as a way of allowing and encouraging the disciples to walk inside.  Other stories would speak of Him showing up in a room where the door was locked and shut so getting out of the tomb would have been no problem for the resurrected Jesus.  The stone was rolled away for those like us, not for His convenience.  It may simply be enough to say that Saturday was like a pause in history, a prelude to the great story about to be told.  The earth of creation held Him its care for a short moment and then He came forth walking into a glorious spiritual realm which now awaits all the rest of us.   

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