Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Heresy

When people come for baptism in our denomination, no one is asked if they have any bad habits.  No one is asked how much money is earned, or if there are any plans to become a tithing Methodist.  There is no Wesley test given to make sure the baptismal candidates have a basic understanding of what Methodists believe about baptism.  Neither is any one asked their opinion concerning controversial social issues, or their political persuasion,  and certainly no one is asked about their academic credentials, or their credit rating.     

The question asked is the question of faith.  The only question is the one which is framed by the words, "Do you have faith in Christ?''  To answer "yes" to this fundamental question sends the baptismal waters flowing.  The New Testament is clear that this is the only question which matters at such a moment.  It is the litmus test for anyone who seeks recognition by the church as a believer and follower of Christ. It is not always easy for the church to stop with this one question when there are so many which might be asked.  

Paul faced this issue in the Galatian Churches.  He preached a "faith and faith alone" message to would be converts and new believers.  After he left some of the Jewish Christian members of those churches said that Paul was right, but only partially.  Faith was important, but the Jewish rite of circumcision was also necessary.  It was a Jesus plus heresy which infuriated Paul and prompted the letter to the churches.  Hopefully, the Galatain heresy is in the past, but every now and then someone suggests that faith in Christ plus some other thing is required.  It is a dangerous heresy which feeds on the church's desire to control.  Watch out for it.  

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