Monday, April 18, 2022

Daily Interactions

When folks share about their walk with Jesus, they often go back to the days of beginning.  And, there is nothing wrong with these remembrances.  It speaks of a radical change in our life which set our feet on a path we never imagined could be walked.  In some ways it is like hearing the stories we are told and learn to repeat about our own birthing moment when we were sent forth into the light of the world.  The only problem is sometimes we get stuck in the original moment and it is as if we never had any interaction with Jesus after the moment of beginning.    

Our relationship with Christ is like the relationships we have with those who walk the journey of this life with us.  We may remember the story which speaks of our beginning with the significant loved people in our lives, but what we know is that the story naturally grows as the interaction continues over the years.  Who can imagine a marriage which has only one story?  If every day is indeed sweeter with the one we love, or with Jesus, why is it that the day to day stories never get told?    

Of course, our story with Jesus is really not a one encounter story.  We know we have many encounters along the way.  And, if we live with eyes open enough we know that the story grows and changes every day for every day is a day which holds within the possibility of interaction with the One who has loved us and called us to Himself.  Maybe we have lost our eyes to see.  Maybe our spirits have become dulled to the constant manifestations of His presence.  Maybe our ears are not listening.  Maybe there is too much noise in our life to hear.  Whatever it is that keeps us from those daily interactions with the Christ, we must know it is not from a lack of Him making Himself known, but from our not paying attention.  

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