Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Light of the First Day

The light of that first day has never ceased to shine.  It is not the light of the sun, or the moon, or any other heavenly sphere, but the light which gave birth to the light of all that now beams light abroad.  The light of the first day was a light called good by the Creator.  It is the light in which all things find their beginning.  It is the "light of life,"   (John 8:12)  Within everything living thing this "light of life" is present, sometimes hidden, but like the sun which moves from one horizon to another, always there and always shining.   

It is a holy light present in the darkest place during the moment of conception when life begins.  What might seem to some to be simply a biological function is instead a holy moment when the likeness of the Creator is stamped indelibly upon the life which is beginning.  And even as all things receive life from the "light of life,"  so has everyone of us.   The light of the first day is at the heart of all life.  It is the center from which all life emanates, comes, is created.     

And so as it was in the beginning of our days on this earth, so is it with all of them.  This light of the first day is within us in the deepest part of our life.  To say that it is the light that brings light to our soul would not be step too far to take.  There may be a sense of darkness in our living because of the sin which we have allowed to take hold, but it is not a darkness which can prevail.  The darkness of our sin may make it difficult for us to see and know the light within, but like the sun of the sky, it is always present as it has been since the beginning.   

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