Sunday, December 13, 2020

A Word from Tree Roots

Watching the squirrel enabled me to hear a Word about praying for awareness.  And, as I gave more thought to this unspoken Word that had suddenly became a spoken Word, I realized that there were other Words being spoken as well.  The landscape around here is filled with trees.  In the branch are sycamores and oaks while out on the farm dozens of pecan trees stretch upwards.   The visible part of the tree often keeps us from seeing the invisible and necessary part that has pushed deep into the ground.  To see these trees that have been here longer than my years of walking on the earth cause me to me to think about the need to pray for a growing faith with deep roots.     

Deep roots are needed when the wind comes to shake and sway what is growing from the earth and from the heart.   A faith rooted in the superficial things will not be able to prevail when undermining difficulties come disguised as loss, illness, and the personal tragedies which often confront us.  Such is why the spiritual giants from the past and the present encourage us to spend inordinate amounts of time in the Word and on our knees.     

Running from one book to another, or from one seminar to another, or even from one church to another one more spiritual may make us feel good for a time, but the lasting power is often only as long as the moment.  Real faith requires deep roots in ground that is fertile and has life giving power.  These trees all around this place speak a Word about sending roots down deeply into the realm of the invisible life giving power of God.  

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