Saturday, December 12, 2020

A Word from the Squirrel

As we walk in the creation seeking to get our lives in sync with the order all around us, we begin to grow ears to hear things previously unheard and eyes to see things never before noticed.  We also begin to understand that the Creator's voice wrapped in sheer silence is constantly being spoken in and through the creation He has put in place all around us.  Slowing down and paying attention opens up a world of divine revelation missed as we do our hurrying through life routine.     

During these days of retirement on a farm it seems that there is always a Word being spoken.  Sometimes I hear, but I would imagine that I miss far more than ever I could realize.  One Word not missed came through a moment of watching a squirrel as he sat on a limb more still than the evening and so quiet his presence was nearly invisible.  As I lingered to watch, a Word came that it would be a good thing to pray for the awareness of the still squirrel.    

Awareness can be illusive.  Our lives are so oriented toward activity, productivity, and noise that focusing on what is present all around is a thing not done unless there is an intentional bending toward it.  And though these busy things which fill our lives are supposed to bring a measure of fulfillment and joyful living, they mostly keep us looking beyond what is in front of us.  The tree living squirrel is constantly aware of what is going on around him.  Not to do so may be deadly.  It is no different for the soul within us.  

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