Monday, December 14, 2020

A Word from the Henhouse

Life on the farm is not a solitary lifestyle.  It is shared with the animals who inhabit the fields and the woods as well as the domesticated varieties such as cows, chickens, and dogs.  There are six hens that roam around here, get fed, and provide a few eggs for the kitchen.   They are interesting to watch.  They roam around digging and pecking as they search for food on their own.  It is not something done for an hour, or two, but something done all day long.  But, when the sun gets to a certain place in the western sky, they go to the hen house and get on the roost for the night.       

Watching them going to the roost as dark comes speaks a Word which reminds me to pray for a roosting spirit.  A roosting spirit is one which is in sync with the order created and put in place by the Creator.  There are hours for working and doing the things which sustain life and then there are hours for resting.  There is day for work and there is night for rest.  So many of us live without any regard for this order and we live without any regard for its purpose.     

As I look back over the years, honesty requires me to acknowledge that there were too many times work was taken home which could have waited for another day.  And, maybe the idea that it could not wait for another day was more about my ego wanting to feel important than what was actually needed or required.  What most of us need is not more work, but more rest.   When night comes, the creation says the hour for rest has come.  The chickens seem to know this.  Praying for a roosting spirit sounds like a Word from the Spirit.

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