Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Call

One of the most important things the Old Testament prophets had in common was a powerful encounter with the Almighty.  There is not a single incidence where some guy wakes up one morning, looks at all the career possibilities, and decides he is best suited to be a prophet.  Neither did such a decision get made at a Career Fair in the market area of Jerusalem.  None of the prophets responded to a job opportunity in the classified ads in the daily newspaper.  It was the call of God in their life that caused them to pick up the unlikely and often unwanted mantle of a prophet.

One of the more powerful descriptions of such an encounter is found in the sixth chapter of Isaiah.  Biblical scholarship points to Isaiah being in his mid twenties when he ran headlong into a life changing moment with the Holy One.  Midst the most holy place in all the land, this religious professional was overwhelmed with a transcendent moment for which no amount of religious training could have prepared him.  Quicker than the eye could blink, the Almighty appeared full of power, majesty, and mystery in the Temple.  When Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?"  he said, "Here am I; send me!"  (Isaiah 6:8)

To go into the future with God's call resting heavy upon the heart is indeed a frightening thing, but an even more frightening thing is to embrace a future of handling the holy things of God and caring for the people of God without the call.  More than theological training and ministry degrees are required by God.  Unfortunately, there are some who regard such as enough.  But, it never is.  What is always needed if the road is to be walked is an encounter with God which brings to the ears of the soul the unmistakable Voice calling and ordaining to go. 

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