Friday, October 11, 2019

Both Visible and Hidden

Seeing the visible and the hidden is not an end in itself.  What is visible in the creation is obvious and not hard to figure.  The landscape which unfolds before us is filled with the visible things of creation.  The hidden things are the way these visible things point us toward God and enable us to hear Him speaking to us.  To see the hidden requires a slowing down and an awareness of both the present moment and  the present place.  The part of us that hinders seeing the hidden has been nurtured and pushed to the forefront of our lives so long that we are not even aware we are looking through a lens that cannot see.
The hidden within the creation is where God reveals Himself to us.  It is where hearing His word comes to us in much the same manner that it comes to us through the written Word.  What we see in the panoramic coloring of the sunset is more than just a landscape painting of nature, but a moment of holy revelation.  Everything about the creation has passed through the hands of God and been declared as good by Him so it should not surprise us to experience His presence constantly breaking through as we learn to remove the blinders which have kept us blind for so long. 
A large pond across a field or two which is becoming more visible as the trees cast off their foliage is the swimming place for hundreds of Canadian Geese.  In the evening they rise to fill the air with the sound of flapping wings and a rowdy honking that surely must be heard in the heavenly place as a choir offering praise to the Creator.  Some evenings I stand in awe watching as if for the first time and wanting to offer the noise of my voice to theirs as an offering of praise to the Creator.  And, some evenings I linger in my watching and listening with an awareness that it could be the last time I hear their praise.  I am blessed to see these geese visibly fussing in the air above me and blessed also to hear the Word hidden in their coming and going.

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