Thursday, October 24, 2019

Abandoned to God

I came across another book on the already read section of my book collection which I felt compelled to pull out and start reading.  While I am not one to read biographies, this one became a "must read" when I saw it on the shelves years ago.  While I have read Oswald Chamber's daily devotional book entitled "My Utmost for His Highest"  most years since 1968, I had never read a detailed account of his life until I found David McCasland's "Oswald Chambers: Abandoned to God." 
One of the interesting things about the daily devotional which bears his name is that he did not actually do the work of writing it.  When he died unexpectedly in 1917 at the age of 43, he never imagined that his work would be remembered and read for over a hundred years.   Actually, his widow put together writings and devotionals that he verbally delivered so that we have this inspiring collection of spiritual writings. 
Aside from the Bible itself, no book has impacted my life as much as this one.  And, as I write such a witness, I know it is not just my witness, but the witness of so many through many years.  When I bought the book it was at the suggestion of a girl who would become my wife.  Maybe I started reading to impress her, but the reason for keeping it close all these years has to do with the way it has directed my spiritual journey.  Oswald Chambers died in 1917, but his words still bless me.  If my words ever end up as a blessing to someone, it is a sign that Oswald Chamber's faithfulness continues to be planted in the lives of others through folks like me who have been blessed by him. 

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