Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Hummingbird Encounter

A hummingbird did a fly-in on the front porch this morning when I stepped out to see where the cows were grazing.  I heard a loud buzzing noise which caused me to look around for the source of the noise.  When I turned around, it seemed that the hovering hummingbird and I were staring at one another eye-to-eye.  For the briefest of moments we spent a piece of the morning together and then he was gone into the air above the brown hayfield.  It was one of the memorable moments of the day.  The next time one stops by for such a close encounter I will not be so surprised.

Hummingbirds are marvelous creatures.  Who among us would have thought "bird" and created something so wonderfully made?  Actually, all the creatures God has made are wonderfully made.  Some may have more appeal than others and some may be more fascinating to us than others, but every creature that shares life with us on this planet is as much a creation of the hands of the Almighty as each one of us. 
Sometimes we forget this truth about ourselves.  There is nothing that is ordinary about any single one of us.  With more people on the planet that we could count, there is no one like anyone of us.  It is not just our outward appearance which makes us unique, but more importantly, the way God has hand shaped our soul.  With a personality and spirit different from any other, we each have been created to relate to the heart of God in a unique way.  Even as each of our biological children are different, we are even more different as one of God's created children.  Never should we look in the mirror and put ourselves down for we bear the image of the divine and carry the essence of our Creator God everywhere we go. 

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