Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Out of Sync

In our rush to become an urban world where sprawling concrete replaces black dirt and squared buildings replace towering trees, we are in danger of losing a vital connection to the creation.  We live in the creation, but we live in it without becoming a part of it.  There is a kind of detachment which characterizes our relationship to the created order.  When darkness falls, the work of the day is enabled by the flip of a switch on the wall.  Darkness may have ushered in a time of rest for the earlier primitive ones who walked before us, but we have learned how to manipulate the creation to what we think is our advantage.
The Scripture affirms the connected nature of the relationship men and women had with the creation of the Creator.  Wells were dug with hands.  Food was cooked over fire.  Days were for work and surviving.  Nights were for renewal and rest.  The creation as it was brought into being by our Creator God has a certain order about it.  Everything within it lives in step with that order.  Everything lives in sync with the creation and its order but those of us who were in the beginning given dominion over all living things and now walk upon it. 
Of course, the world is no longer a rural oriented world.  At least this is true in the places where so many of us live and work and rest.  But, whether our surroundings are open fields filled with towering trees or city streets lined with architectural endeavors of human kind, it is imperative that we somehow find a way to live within the created order affirming, respecting, and honoring the way the Creator has put it all in place.  As we do we surely join the rest of the created order in living according to our purpose and in the process give praise to the Creator who gave us life within the creation. 

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