Wednesday, September 11, 2019

New Blessings

One of the things being learned in the present moment of my journey is the way all the things around me provide blessings in my life.  As a younger man I cannot remember being aware of the blessings coming to me through things like a new hatching of bluebirds flitting in the air, or a wild persimmon tree that has persisted in growing along the back fence row, or the moon creeping toward its fullness.  I may have seen such things, but not in the way they are appearing to these much older eyes.
Some might say what has changed is the environment.  During most of my life, I was more conscious of the signs of an urbanized life than the rural open countryside which now surrounds me.  But, reality also tells me what has changed is more than just the visible surroundings.  For so many years I allowed myself to stay caught up in society's deceiving games which promised that getting ahead and having more would make for a better more fulfilling life.  Even back in those days I knew it was a lie, but it was a seductive one that I did not always ignore.  I was too busy to see.  Paying attention to the now part of life was replaced by pre-occupation with tomorrow.

Being able to slow down has had its effect on the eyes which God has given us to see the things not seen by the eyes that see all the visible stuff in our life.  The creation which surrounds me envelopes me reminding me that I am the newcomer on the scene and when I am gone it will remain.  Everything that God has created and blessed as good is inherently a source of blessing on my life.  It makes me want to sometimes stand in front of that old spreading pecan tree and say, "Thank you, tree, for blessing me," and most assuredly that growing awareness has created a deep sense of gratitude to God for blessings He is now enabling me to see. 

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