Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Walking in Blessings

It was near dark.  The sharp lightning and crashing thunder which had filled the afternoon skies had moved to other places.  All that was left of the summer storm was a rain falling gently upon the earth.  While it was still enough rain falling to get wet, I chose to walk to evening chores instead of driving the truck from place to place.  As we move away from childhood, it seems that rain is something to be avoided.  We run when caught in it and we shelter ourselves from it with round umbrellas.  Yesterday as dark fell with the rain, I chose to walk in it. 
Of course, the first sensations were the physical ones.  It felt surprisingly cold to skin warmed by a hot summer day.  From wet hair water literally dripped across the front of my face.  And, soon both shirt and pants became more than just spotted with the falling water.  With feet becoming more wet with each step, I moved from one chore to another.  Shutting up the chickens came first. Securing the garden from deer was next. The evening walk finally brought me to the pasture where a count was made and water troughs were checked. 
Somewhere along the way, the physical sensation of walking in the rain passed and it came to me that I was walking in the blessing of the Creator God who sent the rain to renew the earth and the souls of men and women like me who walked on it.  Suddenly, it seemed like a moment of baptism.  Immersed in the rain I began to understand that I was not only then immersed in the blessing of God, but always.  In every moment whether rain or sun, day or night, good times and bad times, I never walked without being immersed in the blessing of God. 

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