Saturday, August 10, 2019

A Leaf in the Wind

Since shortly after early Spring bud break the green leaf now brown on its edges had hung tenaciously to the branch on which the Creator had placed it.  Drawing its life from the roots down deep in the soil and nourished by the sun rising and falling high above, it had joined with others making a deep lush foliage which soared high in the sky.  But there came a day when tenacious was replaced by tenuous and soon it fell prey to a wind which sent it falling to the ground and then across the field until it lay far from the place of beginning.  Where it ended was in a place of resurrection where it would soon be a part again of all that gave life. 

Unlike some things of the creation we hold tenaciously not to the branch which is given life from the Root, but to other things which promise purpose and fulfillment only to give us a life filled with emptiness and regret.  As surely as a single leaf has a purpose which carries it from beginning to death and resurrection, so do even the least of us.   What is required of us if we would end up void of the emptiness is to affirm the place where we have been put, the purpose for which we were put there, and a willingness to go where the Wind moves us. 

It is not an easy journey.  In the beginning we had ideas that it would be easier than it has proven itself to be.  Obedience to Christ is what put us on this road of faith and it is the only thing which takes us to its end and beyond.  Obedience puts our first foot on the road and it is what carries us to the place of our own resurrection. 

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