Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Better Choice

I can understand why the ancients might have gone out on the night of the full moon and danced under its spell.  Of course, it is not just the ancients who are guilty of such a practice as I know of a contemporary or two who have dared this nocturnal dance as well.   Sometimes it is impossible to see what God has put out there to bless and just be a spectator.  The other evening while spending some time on a lake, I found myself out trying to catch a fish as the sun was starting to be serious about dropping below the horizon.   It was a spectacular scene and an incredible blessing for this old soul at the end of the day.
It was also one of those moments when being a spectator seemed like the wrong response.  While I did not do some evening spiritual jig out there on the shore of the lake, I did put down my fishing for a spell.  As I watched all the colors rippling across the water and cascading across the sky, I was glad to be outside and not watching through a window.  I felt caught up in the beauty of the blessing and had the feeling that somehow I was becoming a part of all that was unfolding around me in that special moment between the light and the darkness. 
God's blessings are abundant all around us.  Some of them do indeed seem to fill a canvas as big as the sky with more colors than any human artist ever thought to paint.  Some of those blessings come as laughter from the distant echoes across the water.  And others come through the people and the circumstances which are as common and ordinary as the sun running its course day after day; yet, which also every now and again reveal something truly extraordinary and spectacular about the way God is making Himself and His blessings known to us in the midst of all we do.  Maybe praying quietly at the end of the day is not really enough.  Maybe dancing would be better!

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