Monday, August 26, 2019

The Most Unexpected Surprise

There are many unexpected surprises when the pages of God's Word is opened.  Some might think it is going to be a dry read, one so heavy with big theological words that it will be impossible to wade its waters too long.  Others might figure it to be some ancient writing that belongs only in the history shelves at the library.  And, of course, there are those who expect its characters and heroes to be such saintly people that they surely are never able to step out of church and into the real world. 
Surprises do indeed abound.  The very first book is full of the stories of dysfunctional families.  There is another which is a whopper of a fish story.  Of course, there are more than just a few war stories, a number of good love stories, and a big long section of prayers that often ring the notes of poetry.  The further along we go, the more surprised we become as we run into the story of an adolescent couple parenting the One sent from God.  There is nothing like it in all of history.  The story of the One sent from God has stories of miracles, healings, and even restorations from the dead.  And, if someone really likes surprising unexpected endings, there is a hill called Calvary and a tomb that was emptied after being filled with the dead.
It is no wonder that the book has always been such a best seller.  It is no wonder that so many turn to its pages for inspiration and encouragement.  It is no wonder that new readers pick it up every day and that old readers like some of us can never get enough of what we find on its pages.  What we find on its pages is not just entertaining reading, but the very Word of God.  What we find is a Word that is not just read, but one that is heard for within its pages we hear the Word of God speaking to us.  This must truly be the most unexpected surprise of them all!

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