Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Out of Sync

There are times when our life seems out of sync.  It is a strange way to describe the inner life, but it is a way of speaking of our life being lived in such a way that it seems that each step forward somehow seems to miss the place it would normally fill.  To be out of sync in our inner life is like not quite being in the space which is allotted to us.  It is not easy to come to this awareness since our first inclination is to look to all the external stuff which may be messing up the way we are able to live.
But, there is something deep within in us which longs for the presence of God.  It is not enough to be strong, and independent, and confident.  There are those moments when such things cannot provide for us the sense of inner well being that we need to live.  When life seems out of sync it would seem that the inner self would be the first place we would look, but instead, it turns out to be the last and only explored after all the external causes have been exhausted. 
The Word of God is constantly inviting us, encouraging us, calling us to draw aside in stillness with God.  The urging of the Word affirms that what the soul within us needs is an intimacy with the Creator.  When we experience this sense of being out of sync with life, the cause may indeed may be more a spiritual problem than one which can be figured out by a self-help program or a counselor.  What is true for most of us is that we were not created to live as we live.  Our insistence with our way instead of God's way means we are out of step with the present moment intentions of the Creator and the lost well being can only be restored by the solitude and the silence. 

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