Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Difference

It was a book written by E. Stanley Jones, a 20th century missionary evangelist to India, a window was first opened enabling me to see the radical difference the Holy Spirit made in the lives of the disciples of Jesus on the day of Pentecost.  Jones pointed out that on the evening of the day of resurrection the disciples met behind locked doors for fear of the Jews.  (John 19:19)  Such was not the case on the day of Pentecost. 
These men once so gripped by their fears were out in the streets proclaiming the message of Jesus.  Though timid and fearful, after the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, they were filled with a never before experienced boldness.  Peter took the lead.  The one who had denied Jesus on the day of the cross now stood head and shoulders above all the others preaching with such power that three thousand of those curiosity seekers became baptized believers.
It is no wonder so many long for a Pentecost type moment in the life of the church today.  The church of today might be characterized in many ways, but bold is not a word that quickly comes to mind.  And while its leaders are likely more educated and knowledgeable than any other generation of leaders, they tend to be cautious in preaching lest someone be offended.  In the story of Pentecost it speaks of people being "cut to the heart" (Acts 2:37) and seeking baptism after Peter's preaching.  Would that today's preached to be entertaining preaching had such convicting power.  So much has changed through the passing of the centuries.  The need for the Holy Spirit to come again with overwhelming power and presence still remains.  More than ever it remains.  "Come, Holy Spirit, Come upon Your church today.  Amen.

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