Thursday, June 27, 2019

No Room for Pretence

In my early adolescent years I lived under the illusion that I could be a Christian and no one would have to know about it.  I laughed and participated in conversations and activities which demeaned other people as I told myself my actions repesented a facade that gave me peer approval.  I thought I could live with my actions saying one thing and still have a heart that was loyal to another.  It is amazing how we can deceive ourselves. 
When the woman of Samaria really accepted Jesus as the Messiah, she did not make it the big secret of her life.  Going back to her village where people regarded her as one of the chief sinners, she told them about Jesus who was out at Jacob's Well.  She spoke of Him in such a convincing way that she caused many to go out and see Jesus for themselves.  The sinner became the evangelist.  The one called unrighteous led the many to the holy righteous One who waited for them there on the edge of their village.
A phrase often heard is "walk the talk."  If we are truly a follower of Jesus, it should not be necessary for anyone to wonder if we are a Christian.  A follower of Jesus is the one who is the first to give love and seek reconciliation.  A follower of Jesus is always one who seeks the fruit of the Spirit.  A follower of Jesus is one who puts the agenda of Jesus ahead of all others.  It should be as obvious as day and night.  It should be such for any of us who allow our lips to speak of Jesus.

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