Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Rhythmic Flow

Ignoring God's call to Sabbath rest takes us out of rhythm with the Creation which surrounds us.  Of course, there are less obvious decisions we have made which reflect this choice.  When God separated the light from the dark, thereby, creating day and night, He put in place a segment of each day for working and another one for resting.  Electricity gave us another option.  We can take home work from the workplace and work at home.  No one suffers from this choosing to be out of rhythm with creation except our family.  And, farmers around these parts and others as well have lights on their tractors so the sunlight no longer is heeded when it sounds the bell signaling the working hours are over. 
As subtle as these choices may seem, the ones we make in the supermarket are even more subtle.  If we want fruit and vegetables out of season, we can depend on modern day transportation to get them to us.  No one has to wait for grapes to ripen on their vines when Chili or some other country is ready to export them.  Waiting on something to be in season is no longer necessary.  We can get what we want when we want it.  Forget about waiting.  And as we pop the juicy fruit in our mouth which has traveled thousands of miles, we have taken still one more step further away from the rhythm of the creation.
For some this might sound like a stretch.  It might sound like the thoughts of someone who has too much time on his hands, but the truth is, there is less time on these hands than ever there has been.  Maybe older years brings things to mind which the younger years are unable to see.  Certainly things are seen differently as the decades start piling up.  One of those things seen differently is a relationship to the creation and the One who put me in it that speaks of paying attention to the rhythm, the ebb and flow, of that creation.  While this may not bother the most of us, it seems somehow that we are the only part of the creation which chooses to ignore its rhythmic flow.  Maybe it is not a problem, but then again, maybe it speaks of a heart choosing one way when God has ordained another.

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