Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Harsh Word

Never be surprised at the way God reveals that His plan is working in our lives.  Elijah stands in a special place in Biblical history.  Not only did he walk in faithfulness while living in a time when his faith put him in danger, but he also appeared with Moses on the Mt. of Transfiguration.  His story begins with the 17th chapter of I Kings where Ahab, the King, is told by God speaking through the prophet  "...there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my Word."  (vs. 1)   These years turned into three.  Elijah was told to go and wait and live by the Wadi Cherith.  The ravens fed him and the water came from the Wadi.  However, one day Elijah knelt to drink and the stream was empty of flowing water.
The empty stream bed was a harsh word.  Elijah had learned to depend on that water for his daily sustenance.  The Word says, "But after a while the wadi dried up, because there was no rain in the land."  (vs. 7)  Even though the dry stream bed was something Elijah should have expected, it is likely there was a surprised look on his face that first day when the water flowed no more.  Surely God could have found a more gentle and less threatening way to let him know the plan started was being worked out.
Could it not be that some of the harsh circumstances of our life, the kind which lend themselves to complaints and whining, are but one of the ways God is giving to us assurance that what He started somewhere in the past part of our life is still coming to fruition?  While it certainly is a possibility which could be filled with truth, it is not really one we want to consider or receive.  We would rather God give to us assurances that grease the way forward and make us comfortable every step of the way.  But, God has never been predictable.  He has never made the way easy just because He could.  Faithfulness means walking through some of the harsh circumstances even as Jesus did as He walked toward His death on Golgotha. 

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