Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Count on God

Count on God to be unpredictable.  None of us would come up with some of the things He did to work out His plans for His people.  After telling Elijah a drought was coming, the man of God settled into routine life near what we might call a creek or small stream.  It was enough to sustain him, or so he figured until the day the water flowed no more and what was once clear drinking water turned into a dry caked cracked creek bed.  What was an inconvenience for Elijah was just part of the plan God was working out in those days.
God did not forget the needs of his faithful servant.  The one who provided his continued sustenance was a poor widow who was about ready to die.  But, she was blessed with an unending source of food which was much like the manna and quail the Hebrews ate in the wilderness.  And because she was blessed, Elijah was blessed as well.  God used the most ordinary and unexpected way to take care of this prophet whose destiny was waiting for him on Mt. Carmel some three years later.
We can always be assured that God has a way for us to go forward.  It may not be clear.  It may surprise us and require a measure of faith we did not know we possessed, but God always presses forward leading and sometimes dragging us along.  Most of us have been in those moments when we faced dried caked and cracking places like busted dreams and such darkness that despair seems to be the only thing in our future.   God does not give up.  Actually, it is not a matter of Him not giving up, but of us being patient, faithful, and trusting as we live with an assurance that no matter what comes, He knows about it coming and has prepared a way for us to get through it.  Count on God to be unpredictable, but also count on God to be faithful. 

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