Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Blind Man Walking

Late this afternoon when the clock said it should be cooler, I went out to the tractor shelter to do what was a simple enough job.  As simple got complicated I discovered the clock was not telling the truth.  There was nothing about that moment of a simple job getting complicated in a closed in space as darkness was settling in which spoke of cooler.  It was hot.  It was hot enough my shirt was soaked not with water, but sweat.  Stifling and sweaty and hot was how it was when I finished my task and stood up to head back to the house.
As I stepped out of the confines of the tractor shelter, I received a blessing.  It was the blessing of an evening breeze which so touched my wet sweaty shirt as to almost send a shiver across my body.  The coolness I could not find in the midst of my work was all over me in those moments of walking across the ground toward the house.  Almost instantly I thought about the wind of the Spirit.  It comes from where we know not, but always to bring renewal and refreshing.

As I walked I thanked God for the blessing of a cool wind.  And, I thanked God for the gift of His Holy Spirit touching my life.  In these days I find myself walking in amazement at the way God reveals Himself and speaks His Words through the things of creation which have always been present, but not seen or known for such a long time.  It is as if I have been a blind man walking.  And, so even as I am grateful for cool winds on sweaty shirts, so am I grateful for every ordinary way God chooses to bring sight to these eyes which have been blind too long.   

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