Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Words of Sadness

There is a sense of sadness which comes as we read verses 10 and 11 of the Prologue in John's gospel.  It is not something which is expected, but something which just comes and settles over us as we slowly read.  As the Word speaks about Jesus, we hear it saying, "...yet the world did not know Him...His own people did not accept Him..."  Of course, there is no surprise in those words for those of us who have read the story and know how it is going to end.  Maybe we read too fast.  Maybe we know too well the ending.  Maybe this is why we miss the sadness of those words.  Maybe.
The truth is we usually read the Word too fast.  I am one who does this too much.  Being able to read fast is something I have always been able to do.  It is just the way I read.  And, often I miss stuff.  Maybe this is why I am one of those who goes back to read books a second or third time.  It takes me longer to get the stuff many folks get on the first read.  Certainly, one of the things we often miss in reading the Word is the feeling stuff.  We read for the details and do not always let our emotions interact with the sensuous stuff of the Word.
My rapid reads cause me to miss smelling the candles burning, the fragrance of the oil, and the sound of sheep bleating in the fields.  I get the details, but I miss the feeling and sensory part of it.  I have read these words John wrote many times, but never really sensed the sadness that came over me as I read those words this time.  Maybe I need to slow down.  Maybe it is not just in the reading that I need to slow down.  Maybe I am not paying as much attention to what is around me as I thought. 

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