Thursday, November 8, 2018

A New Group

Consider for a moment the new group to which we belong as "children of God." (John 1:12)  It is indeed a unique group, one to which we could never belong if it depended on earning membership, working for it, or being born into it.  How we enter into that group is explained in that Word which says, "But, to all who received Him, who believed in His name, He gave power to become children of God."  (John 1:12)  We become children of God because of divine love and grace.  Had there not been love and grace in the heart of God, Jesus would not have come to walk among, die  on a cross for us, and make a way for us to once again experience belonging to God.
Without Christ we would truly be in a mess.  We would not just be in a mess, but we would be in an inescapable mess.  And the truly tragic and sad part of it is that it is a mess of our own doing.  Given the choice between doing the right thing and the wrong thing, there is something within us which seems bent on choosing the wrong thing.  Given the choice between doing things our way instead of God's way, we always seem to think our way should be the first choice and God's way the last resort.  Before we can ever become children of God, it is necessary for us to realize that we are all children of our wrong choices.  When we choose against the way of God in whatever form that takes for us, we put ourselves in such a mess only a Savior can save us.
Ah, that name, "children of God" is such a wonderful sounding name.  It means we have been loved and chosen even though we seem bent on sinning.  It means a way has been made for us to be delivered and brought into the family of God.  It means we are no longer separated from the One who brought us into being.  It means we are home.  It means we are where our soul longs to be.  Breathe again a prayer, "Jesus, I receive once again You in my life.  Jesus, I believe in You and trust You for all that touches my life.  Jesus, forgive me and touch me so that I know in my heart that I belong to you.  In Your name I now pray.  Amen"

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