Friday, November 2, 2018

Confusing, but Simple

Those first verses of John's gospel not only carry us to a place of thinking about the relationship between God and the Word, but they also take us to a place of considering the creation.  While the opening words of the Prologue bring to mind those first words of Genesis, "In the beginning, when God created...(Genesis 1:1), they also leave us with more questions than we can answer.  The writer of the ancient creation story had nothing to say about the Word, but the gospel writer speaks of Jesus not only being present, but also an integral part of the beginning creative act.
After addressing the way the Word was involved in bringing all things into being, he goes on to say, "What has come into being in Him was life, and the life was the light of all people." (John 1:4)  The word "life" is a much used word in the gospel of John.  It only takes a moment of remembering to recall numerous usages of the word.  It is interesting to consider these few beginning words.  Surprisingly, the pronouns used bring some understanding.  While I never was a Greek scholar, but instead more of a struggling student, I do remember that the pronoun "into" conveyed the idea of something outside taking action against, or into something else.  An example might be the wind stirring tree branches.  However, the pronoun "in" speaks more of something not dependent on what is outside, but something which has an inherent power inside of itself to act.
If it sounds confusing, when I read what I have written it looks confusing to me as well!  But, the point to be made is that there is within the Word power to act and bring into being life, both the life that is dependent on breathing and the life that requires no breath.  It is as if the wind that stirs the creation, creating life, comes from within the Word as the wind which stirs the branches of the tree comes from an undefinable source. (John 3:8)  What we make confusing and complicated, the gospel writer makes simple by saying that all life, the one dependent on physical birth and the one dependent on spiritual birth, emanates from Jesus, the Word. 

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