Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Treetop Battle

It was an epic battle.  It was one that rivaled the battle of the ants described by Henry David Thoreau in "Walden."   At the very top of a very old and tall pecan tree the web worms had eaten all the foliage from a limb and the birds had found them.  From one web to another they darted as they enjoyed their afternoon feast.  Since the worms had destroyed all the leaves which might have hidden them, they had no defense.  As I watched the frenzy in the tree top, I took a measure of pleasure in knowing that the worms were not doing so well. 

Of course, the worm was doing what web worms do and the birds were following the same course.  They were doing what birds do.  Out there in the creation we see ample evidence that the created order lives according to the way created.  It seems that those of us who walk upright on two legs, have plenty of brain power, and live close to the top of the food chain should be able to figure out our role in the creation.  But, alas, we seem to stay in trouble.  Like the web worms we often embrace such destructive patterns of living that we end up in trouble.  And like those preying birds, we often live in such a way as to benefit from the mistakes of others. 

Life can be messy when we forget who we are and how we were created to live.  Life is never all about me, but instead, it is to be lived with an "it's all about us" spirit.  The Scripture calls us to live as people who manifest righteousness.  Now, righteousness has nothing to do with some high degree of spiritual living.  It is not attained only by those who spend inordinate amounts of time doing spiritual things. Righteousness is about how we live.  The righteous live in a right relationship with God.  They also live in a right relationship with those around them.  To live as those who are righteous is to live in a way that enables us to be true to who we are and how we were created to live.

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