Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Holy Ground

To think of the earth, all of the earth, as holy ground is a stretch for some.  And, it is understandable.  Most of my working years were spent in an urban setting filled with signs which pointed more to the creation of humanity than the creation of God.  When stepping outdoors means seeing rows of cookie cutter houses, soaring buildings, oceans of pavement, and streams of asphalt, it is easy not to see the creation.  The sun becomes something which sets us on our way to work and the moon's light is obliterated by the ever present lights that chase away the darkness. 
It is not that we cannot see the creation of the heavenly Father, but that it is overwhelmed by what men and women have created within it.  Thus, thinking of it as holy is difficult simply because being able to see it is difficult.  However, what we do or do not see does not change the fact that the world was created by the Creator God who brought it into being and spun it into existence.  He gave it life.  Every living creature is indebted to His creating Spirit.  Every rock and tree and piece of dirt has passed through His hands and laid carefully upon the earth.  What we see around us is holy not because humans like us have prayed over it, but because it all bears the mark of the Holy Creator.
Certainly, this is not to say that the rock, or the tree, or the sun, or the moon is God.  But, it and every other part of creation was given its place in the created order for the Creator's purpose.  We may think the earth is here for our enjoyment, or for our pleasure, or for us to use until it can give no more, but it is all here for purposes designed by the Creator from before the very beginning.  The earth and the universe around it is set apart for His purpose; thus, it is holy.  Holy ground abounds, but not just in the sanctuaries made of brick and mortar. 

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