Tuesday, July 10, 2018

To Not Know

Like you I have prayed for an outcome different than the one which seemed imminent.  I have done like the widow who wore out the judge with her unending pleading.  I have prayed with every measure of faith and hope that I could muster all the while believing that mustard seed size faith was more than enough.  I have prayed the simple prayer of some who saw Jesus on the road, "Jesus, have mercy." Like you I have knocked until the knuckles of my very soul were bleeding, and asked until my throat was dry as dirt longing for rain.  And like you, I have heard only the sounds of silence from heaven.
I wonder sometimes where these prayers go.  Are they laid up as treasures in heaven for another day's strength?  Are they thrown in a holy heap, or put in boxes on are which are written, "Yes," or "No," or "Not now, maybe later?  Do angels pick them up from a big table in the throne room and flit here and there trying to figure out what God wants to do with them?  Or, do they just disappear somewhere never to be heard by any divine ear?  I wonder sometimes.  It may all sound a bit sacrilegious for some pious and holy hearts, but if you are like me, there have been those moments of being the skeptic in the face of holy mystery.
Like you I don't always know what to think about what appears to be unheard and unanswered prayers.  I don't know the answers to my own questions.  What I do know is that God is dependable.  God is good.  God is loving.  God is faithful to those who love Him.  He is a Promise Keeper.  I know the Word He has written tells me to pray.  So, I will hang on with faith to what I do know.  I will keep casting prayers toward heaven.  I will have faith that He hears and faith that He is, even in what seems to be silence, working for good in my life and in the lives of those for whom I pray.   

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