Sunday, July 8, 2018

From There to Here

Anyone who has ever looked behind them and wondered how they got from where they were to where they are knows there are a number of plausible possibilities.  It could just be a thing of chance and coincidence.  Maybe such is how we got from there to here.  Or, it could be that we are smart enough to figure out the course that takes us into a desirable future.  Who would deny that good old ingenuity, creativity, and determination could pave the way forward?  And there are those who would simply point to some mysterious wheel which turns and pushes us along the course of life.  Could fate be the divine directive operative for all of us who walk planet Earth?
Those who hold the Biblical Word in their hands and seek to live with it in their hearts point to still another possibility.  But, to be honest those who live believing that God is the One who directs our destiny do not see it as a possibility.  Instead, it is seen as a reality.  A long time ago I decided to accept as fact the very possible reality that God is the One who has brought me from the there of my past to the present of my future.  But, make no mistake.  I am not so special in the eyes of God for His guidance and leading is available to anyone who is open to it.
It is always possible to walk outside the way that God leads.  I know this to be true, not because others have given me reports of their misadventures, but because I have too often ventured out into that land I knew to be off the road He wanted me to be walking.  Yet, even when I did venture out on my own,  He treated me as did the faithful Father in the parable who looked expectantly down the road for the wayward younger son to return.  Like the younger son of the parable, my road has been paved with more grace and mercy than anyone would have ever thought could exist in the whole universe.  So, I know now after all these years of walking that getting from there to here has been all about the grace of God.   

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